China Art Foundation

Zhang Huan: In the Ashes of History

In September 2020 The State Hermitage opened the exhibition “Zhang Huan: In the Ashes of History” , the first solo exhibition in Russia by the famous contemporary Chinese artist Zhang Huan.

In the Ashes of History was displayed in the Nicholas Hall of the Winter Palace and showcased several series of works made in a variety of techniques.

The exhibition was organized by the Department of Contemporary Art as part of the Hermitage 20/21 project, with the support of Pearl Lam Galleries, China Art Foundation, DC Foundation – Diana Chen, Dr Junning Lee and Mrs Xiaojun Lee, Asymmetry Art Foundation, and Julian Zhen.

The initiators and curators of the exhibition were Dimitri Ozerkov, director of the Department of Contemporary Art, and Anastasia Veialko, junior research assistant. The guest curator was Professor Wu Hung of Chicago University.


关注他的艺术:黄永砯与美国艺术家Frank Stella准备中国艺术基金会的讲座, 5月5日,在纽约大都会博物馆


基金会于2008年成立,首届峰会在牛津郡的Ditchley庄园举办。三天的峰会将中国与西方40多位博物馆馆长和学者齐聚一堂,闭门会谈讨论,其中包括,英国泰特博物馆馆长Nicolas Serota爵士,广州美术馆馆长王璜生先生(现中央美术学院美术馆馆长),耶鲁大学教授Rob Storr,Pittsburgh大学教授,著名策展人高名潞,芝加哥大学教授巫鸿,著名艺术家汪建伟,纽约亚洲协会博物馆馆长Melissa Chiu, 以及美国马州现代艺术博物馆创始馆长Joe Thompson。

第二届峰会于2010年五月在中国杭州举办, 参会者包括旧金山艺术学院策展人侯瀚如,洛杉矶美术馆馆长Michael Govan, 蓬皮杜艺术中心馆长Alfred Pacquement,四川美术学院高士明教授,莫斯科双年展创始人Joseph Backstein, 杭州中国美术学院新媒体系主任,著名艺术家张培力,上海美术馆馆长李磊,纽约大都会博物馆馆长Mike Hearn, 捷克国家画廊馆长Tomas Vlecek, 慕尼黑美术馆馆长Chris Dercon(现伦敦泰特博物馆馆长),美国马州现代艺术博物馆创始馆长Joe Thompson,以及大都会博物馆十九世纪、现代和当代艺术部主席Gary Tinterow。



posted 17:35 - 21.09.20